2011 Date House Wine             Host Topic 16 Jan Markel & Courpas Markel & Courpas Ports 20 Feb Grillon Eisberg Is It Syrah, Or  Is It Shiraz? 20 Mar 1:30 PM Johnston Johnston Annual Meeting 2009 Beaujolais Is it truly the vintage of the century? 17 Apr Breeding Slick A Pacific Coast Face-Off 15 May Barbour Slick Vat Ist Dat? 12 Jun Riley Slick National Tasting Project Merlot 17 Jul Grillon All 21 Aug Dougherty Bareford Robinson (Info not posted) "A trip to France – Languedoc-Roussillon, and the Bourgogne" (Info not posted) 11 Sep Barbour Stewart/ Barbour 2001 in Rioja - a Stellar Year!              Maryland Wine Festival 17-18 SEP  16 Oct Carr Carr Amarone "For the love of Am a rone: An exploration of the composition and process of making Am a rone" presented by John Carr. Note this tasting will likely             cost $25 or more per person 20 Nov Sadler Haslauer Wines from the Trentino - Alto Adige region by Simone Haslauer Thanksgiving 24-NOV 11 Dec Blosveren Kreder Champagne Newsletters AWS About Home Archives Documents Articles Recipes Links
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